UH Studio Design Academy
UH Studio Design Academy is a platform focusing on architectural design, tech pertaining to architects and designers, and analysis on architectural projects and topics. We make tips and tutorials on architecture software workflows with Blender, Freecad, Rhino, Grasshopper, Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo, and others. We also make videos on architectural design process and on providing critique to realised architecture projects. Lastly, we review hardware technology for architects and designers. Dimitar, founder of UH Studio is a registered architect with over 12 years experience working in some of the leading international firms in the world. As an energetic designer, passionate youtuber, and a keen educator, Dimitar is excited to share ways to improve both technical and theoretical design skills and to show how architects think If you would like to collaborate with UH Studio or wish to send a product for review, feel free to contact us below.
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