Plane and simple..I'm an airplane, airliner, jetliner fan of the highest order. Something in life makes a mark on you as a child and it never leaves you. Never. Ir can be something social in nature, sentient or visual in a impacting form. These perspectives are generational, the aviation enthusiast that came before me grew up during the budding years of aviation. They remember quite vividly the days when airplanes were the prime component of mail delivery, not the transport of human beings. The generation coming after them was the one that bridged the divide between those not going near anything not a horse, especially if it was a box of metal with sharp spinning blades attached and the growing numbers curious of this new phenomenon known as flight, man-made engine driven transports now threatening the railway system for mass transit. My generation came at the emerging of jet transports taking over the duties carried out by propeller powered aircraft.
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