Thank you for watching my youtube channel. My name is Destiny and often known on youtube as allofdestiny. Interested in caring for your own hair? Or just want honest reviews on the brands you most love, welcome to my channel. If you’re looking to pick up tips and tricks to care for your own hair or design your own nails, I really hope you find this channel useful. I give hair care and beauty techniques & tips on all things DIY, Home living, and more. I share lifestyle vlogs, and reviews that I hope will change the way you view your overall personal beauty style and make it a more fun and easy process. Breaking things down into simple, easy video segments, even the most complicated beauty tips can become easy. Business inquiries: New Videos Every Week. SEND ME SOMETHING Drop It In The Mail, allofdestiny Will Tell Destiny Chalmers P.O. Box 280233 Memphis, TN 38168
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