I'm Distoritiez, formerly known as ''Psychopathsniperv2'' or just ''Psycho''. I make strange videos that people probably think has no purpose other than to entertain my friends, which is true in some sense, but it is also to try to entertain anyone with a bit of weird on their minds... Weird is good. Normal is boring. I don't upload at any regular time by any stretch of the imagination, I make videos as soon as I get a silly idea that would make no sense to others, but it does for me.. Those silly ideas might not be liked by a whole lot of people, but that's fine. I do play games with friends/clan mates where we are just silly beyond the reasoning of the world. Go check it out if you want. http://www.youtube.com/user/RegimentOverwatch?feature=mhum That's a place of strangeness :)
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