If you are anything like me, from time to time you will ponder over your current situation, reflect on what you have done or achieved over the years and ask some serious questions. Quite often we are forced to ask the same questions as we don't understand why certain things only happen to us! And quite ofien we are afraid to answer the questions honestly, even to ourselves. It is a well established fact that you are where you are today as a result of the decisions you have made in the past, and where you will be in the next fivelten years will depend on the decisions you will make today. This Introduction to Forever Living has been meticulously put together and is designed to answer some of your questions and also raise some new ones! It is designed not only to be a source of information regarding FLP but also to inspire you to take corrective action today. It also gives you a complete 'how to guide on starting and planning your journey with your Forever friends and your fiuture.
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