Established in 1972, WWF-Malaysia works to sustain the natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife. We focus on six major goals - forests, oceans, wildlife, food, climate and energy, and freshwater. Learn more: https://www.wwf.org.my/ Thank you for joining the WWF-Malaysia YouTube community. Please read these guidelines designed to keep our followers safe online and maintain the integrity of this community. WWF-Malaysia will remove content if it: • is obscene or disrespectful • is irrelevant to the aims of the WWF community • is irrelevant to the original post • is judged to be spam • is abusive or threatening to the WWF community or individuals within it • distributes false and/or misleading information • advertises or promotes products and/or services • repeats previous posts. We will delete comments on YouTube in accordance with YouTube's Terms of Service.
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