Astrichthyes Souls
Hello, Youtubers! I generally go by Astri and I've been playing the Souls games since 2010. Bloodborne is one of my favorite games, alongside Demon's Souls, so I made this channel to help fellow hunters, record pvp sessions, and share other miscellaneous things. Thanks for visiting and please subscribe! I consider it my duty to share all I learn about this wondrous game. If you have any questions about the game, its contents, or my builds/gems, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them. I'm also working proactively to stop cheating from ruining the multiplayer aspect of this game. The links in my channel banner are my Patreon, a doc form of the Bloodborne Blacklist, Twitch, and the articles I helped to write when I was involved in Pure Souls. PSN: astrichthyes3
627 subscribers
