Aut Viam Inveniam Aut Faciam - Latin for " I'll Either Find a Way of Make One " The Southern Republic channel started about knives and guns but has evolved to the concept of being prepared for anything that might happen. Some call it prepping some call us crazy but when SHTF I want to be ready! With that said the GANGSTER OF GUNZ, THE MACK DADDY OF KNIFE REVIEWS, THE PRINCE OF PREPPING THE SOUTHERN REPUBLIC is here to enlighten the masses, b.s. about gunz, ammo, and knives, heck maybe we will look at some gear too! Honestly there are a lot of "TOYS" out there and like many of you I don't have a lot of extra money so I want to put out reviews for guys and gals on a budget that want to get the most out of their dollars!
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