This channel is dedicated to transportation from across the world (Over 70 Countries!) My name is Tim and I love traveling and transit so what better way than to use YouTube to document the different modes of transit situated around the world! The YouTube Channel has been amazing experience as it has brought together a diverse transit community across the globe to discuss, debate, and fall in love with transportation! Please join this community by subscribing and commenting on videos. See the places I have filmed in by clicking on the link: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1X-pJoraUdmxTOg_gMOiDBTFOnFoDN0hw&ll=-3.81666561775622e-14%2C0&z=1 Please note: If you want me to license my clips, you simply need to send me an email to timpatsuk1@gmail.com. I have the clean raw files for almost all my videos without the overlap. I know we can work something out.
87600 subscribers
