Jaefar SABNW
I attempt to promote spiritual/religious unity, share my experience of the teachings, and convey understanding of knowledge. Some may ask, "Do you have secret teachings?" In a way I do, because I can keep people's secrets and make things personal for some. Otherwise, the only secrets are experience and that not all practices are public. I will continue to share in ways that does not intend to infringe or incite. I will return to produce the scholarly works and mystical expressions that will benefit. I share in accord with fair use and religious freedom laws. I will share more than the one that influenced the founding of my country: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ICiJraAKuQ&t=170s&index=2&list=PLuupYNqcVve2T66tZMVHtzLff3WOeaF9O I will not be promoting sectarian dialog. I affirm all the prophets of God to humanity; sent throughout time to all peoples. Faith & knowledge instead of mere beliefs is possible through investigation & experiences of what remains from all of them.
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