I make easy access and complete playlists of Bruce Springsteen albums/releases. I use official uploads when I can to ensure long lasting playlists. It all started years ago when I made a playlist for Hammersmith Odeon 1975 for myself using non-official uploads when that was all that was available. Those videos later got removed when the official channel uploaded Hammersmith. I then made a new playlist for that and it turned out to be very popular (10x more views then the playlist the official channel made). So I started doing more of them when the Springsteen official channel made incomplete playlists, or did not do them at all. As of right now (feb 2021) my Springsteen playlists have generated close to 900k playlist views for and the last months I got ~100k/month (I just looked at those stats right now for the first time ever). /DemZane
51 subscribers
