Hi! My name is Tim Thomas, but my friends call me TimTom. I make cartoons! Send me an email if you want to get in touch. (You gotta click the button down below to see my address) I'm switching PO Boxes right now, but you'll be able to send me mail again soon! Software I use: - I record audio in Audition - I level it using Levelator - I animate with ToonBoom Harmony - I edit video with Premiere and AfterEffects - I make thumbnails in Photoshop Hardware I use: - Wacom Cintiq 13 HD drawing tablet - I record audio with a Sure SM7B mic, a Cloudlifter, and a Scarlet 2i4 But that stuff is expensive. DON'T SPEND LOTS OF MONEY ON EQUIPMENT IF YOU'RE JUST STARTING! The Blue Snowball is an ok mic for a relatively low price, and you can get a drawing tablet for less than $100 on Amazon. Audacity is good free audio software, and Pencil2D is free animation software that should be good enough to learn with. Have a great day! :)
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