KIDS FIRST! Film Critics review the latest film/Digital releases rated PG-13 or younger, interview celebrities and explore behind the scenes. Our team consists of 65 kids, ages 9 to 22 from all across the U.S. + a few international. To audition, go to Our youth reporters attend press screenings, junkets premieres and other special events. Their interviews appear on our YT channel and on our award-winning weekly podcast, KIDS FIRST! Coming Attractions. This program is a project of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media, a national, nonprofit (501-c-3) organization founded in 1991 whose mission is to teach children critical viewing skills and to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's media. Our film reviews are seen by 7+ million people monthly thanks to our partnerships with publishers such as YouTube,, Kidsville News, Press 4 Kids, GRAND Magazine and more.
29000 subscribers
