I am a father of three girls and currently a phd student. I have been fishing more than 30 years and basically try to learn all kinds of fishing techniques. This channel in mainly focusing on introducing north american lure fishing to viewers who prefer speaking or listening in Chinese. 來自台灣的學生,三個孩子的爹。喜歡釣魚,也喜歡分享資訊給釣魚的同好。頻道內容主要以中文介紹為主英文為輔,內容包含許多主觀意見,請參考就好。 目前生活在美國,印第安那州,緯度大概與韓國差不多,夏天約28-30度,冬天為-20度。主要魚種為黑/白鱸,少許鱒魚。 謝謝觀眾的訂閱與支持,影片內容與品質會持續進步!
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