Do Pahiye
Hey Friends, this is my Channel that i was previously Uploading Mobile Related Videos, and from that i got a huge no. of Subscriber Family, and also have a Silver Play Button, but for some guilty reasons i have to leave this, i decided to start a new life with this Channel, I know the no. of Subscribe Counts are decreasing day by day but it's okay to start with this Channel, instead of hiding content and closing a channel, i decided to recreate it, and this is my Passion and also Dream to ride a long long way to across the world starting from india, i visited most of places in india but never thought to film, but this the Platform that gave a new idea, and also i have a another channel named @SagarsKitchen in this i upload recipe videos, that's it my life is simple and ya of'course joyful, because i always try make myself happy and others happy too This is a very Big World, and we have only Less Amount of Time Left in our Life, Lets Enjoy it Khao Piyo aur Ghumo but in a Positive Way
128000 subscribers
