I don’t make videos to make money, I spend money to make videos. I started videography in 1997 when I was around 28 years old. In April 1998, I submitted my 1st video to participate at a TV FUN VIDEO competition (in Singapore) and won the 1st prize: one Panasonic Camcorder. Although I got no chance to act in big movie screen but at least I can act in small YOUTUBE screen. I will never ask anyone to subscribe my Channel or give my video a thumb up because I will never know whether you enjoy, like, dislike or even hate it. All my videos here are for my own memory and to share with my family, relatives and my YouTube friends. (LIOW VIDEO 1997 -- 2022) “人生离合有多少,分离只是在迟早,段段影片留记忆,往事回味是最好” 本人喜爱摄影及拍短片, 它能把我的记忆及美好的生活片段留住以便日后回味观赏。在过去二十多年里, 我拍摄了许多家庭及宠物的短片,所以开了这个频道上载一些影片与同好们分享。人死了财产带不走,只有作品是永远的,所以我很用心去制作每一部短片, 有不好的地方请多多原谅 .
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