I'm just a regular guy who is a big fan of Eminem, like everyone else, But I'm also a big fan of multiple singers as well. I make simple videos about slideshows with cool transitions. Go see the website that I use to make them. I'm really a nice guy once you get to know me. ___$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$______ _____$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$_____ _____$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$_____ ____S$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$S____ ____C$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$C____ ____$$$$"_"$$$$ "_"$$$$_____ _____$$C___S$$C___ S$$_____ _____A..$C___S$$___C$"_____ ______$$___$$$$___ $S______ ______S$$$$$"^$$$ $$%_____ _______$$$$C__S$$$ $_______ ________"$$$$$$$$ "________ ________._*$$$$F$_ ________ _________$_____.$_ ________ _________"$$$$$$ "_________ __________^$$$$___ ________ _4$$c_______""__ _____.$$r_ _^$$$b____________ __e$$$"_ _d$$$$$e__________ z$$$$$b_ 4$$$*$$$$$c____.$$ $$$*$$$r _""____^*$$$SC$$ $*"____^"_ __________"$$$$" __________ ________.S$$P$$$s_ ________ _______k$$P___^$$$ k_______ ___.8e$$$"______ "$$$8e.___ _r$$$$$P__________ *$$$$$r_ 4$$$$$P___________ _$$$$$$" _"*$$$"_________ ___^$$P___ You know you live in 2010 when. ♣1. You go to a party, sit down and take MySpace pics. ♣2. You havent played solitaire with real cards in years. ♣3. The reason for not staying in touch with your friends is that they don't have AIM/LiveJournal/MySpace/Facebo ok. ♣4. You'd rather look all over the house for the remote instead of just pushing the button on the TV. ♣6. Your evening activity is sitting at the computer. ♣7. You read this list, and keep nodding and smiling. ♣8. You think about how stupid you are for reading this. ♣9. You were too busy to notice number five. ♣10. You actually scrolled back up to check if there was a number five. ♣11. And now you're laughing at your stupidity. ♣12. Put this in your profile if you fell for it. You know you did. _______GG______GGGGGG _________GG__GGGGG__GGG _________GGGG_______GGG _______GGG__GGGGGGGGGG _____GGGG ______GGG_______GGGG ___GG___GGGGGGGGGGG __GGG__________GGG ___GGG_______GGG _____GGGGGGGGG _____GGGGG_______GGGG ___GGG__GGG______GGG __GGG_G_GGG______GGG ___GGG__GGG_____GGGG _______GGGG_____GGG _______GGG______GGG _______GGG______GGG _______GGG____GGGG _________GGGGGGG ______GGG__GGGGGG ______GGG_GGG__GGGG ______GGGGGG____GGGG ______GGGGG_____GGGG ______GGGG______GGGG ______GGG_______GGGG ______GGG_______GGGG ______GGG_______GGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG _______GGGGG ____
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