My E-Lesson
Myelesson offers more than 550 video to help you learn Excel , MS Word , PowerPoint and VBA. All these MS Office product videos are in Hindi and English. The training videos are very informative , easy to understand hilariously funny . All the training videos are clearly categorized under playlist like 1. Excel Training videos for Beginners 2. Excel Training videos for Intermediate users 3. Excel training videos for Advanced users 4. MS Word Training videos 5. MS PowerPoint Training videos Usually 4 videos per week are uploaded in the Excel , MS Word and PowerPoint training series My aim is help people enhance skills required in day to office work and in this endeavor i would require your help too , in terms of spreading the word . Please Contact 9752003788 or email at for any queries related to 1 Advertisments 2 Collaboration 3 Getting Custom Videos From Us 4 Voiceovers 5 Buying Our Courses Love & Respect Guru
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