"In the spring of 2013, my store received an external hard drive. The contents of it were heavily corrupt at the time of arrival. Since then I have taken the task of decrypting and repairing the files. This channel contains what I find. Everything is organized by the dates on the files. Nothing you see is a fabrication or dramatization. Viewer discretion is advised. Collectively, these are known as The West Records." The West Records was a work of tragic weird fiction inspired by the works of H P. Lovecraft, August Derleth, and Robert W. Chambers. It was a self-funded passion project dreamt up by Dalton Cahill on a VERY foggy afternoon on the coast of Maine. There are lots of stories left in that old Naval base. This one is finished, but that doesn't have to mean the end. Yours under the Elder Sign, - Dalton Cahill
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