Chest Press Machine


1) Sit down on the Chest Press Machine and select the weight. 2)Step on the lever provided by the machine since it will help you to bring the handles forward so that you can grab the handles and fully extend the arms. 3)Grab the handles with a palms-down grip and lift your elbows so that your upper arms are parallel to the floor to the sides of your torso. Tip: Your forearms will be pointing forward since you are grabbing the handles. Once you bring the handles forward and extend the arms you will be at the starting position. 4)Now bring the handles back towards you as you breathe in. 5)Push the handles away from you as you flex your pecs and you breathe out. Hold the contraction for a second before going back to the starting position. 6)Repeat for the recommended amount of reps. 7)When finished step on the lever again and slowly get the handles back to their original place. Hey, I'm Mike Kneuer. I'm health catalyst, personal trainer, professional physique athlete, and nutrition specialist in Boca Raton, Florida. I've been helping people get in the best health and best shapes of their lives for more than a decade and every morning I'm excited to wake up and get to work. I work with all types of clients both in person and online at Connect with me on Social Media and don't forge to subscribe to this channel! Email:

Published by: Boca Raton Personal Training Published at: 5 years ago Category: ورزشی