Counting Sort Algorithm: Step by step visualization using an example


EDIT: in B at index 8, the number should be 5. I mistakenly put 9 (which was the accumulative occurrence of 5). Thanks to @Rafal Krzychowiec. A complete example of how counting sort algorithm actually works, and how it is related to its pseudo code. Counting Sort is a stable sort and it can be used as a sub-routine for Radix Sort. In case your range of numbers in the input array A does not start from zero (let's say starts from the number x), you can easily create another array A1, where A1[j] = A[j] - x; and then sort A1 instead of A. This way, the numbers in A1 will be the same numbers of A with a deduction of x. So numbers in A1 will start from 0. After the sort on A1 is done, simply re-generate A, by adding x back to each number of A1. Here's another video about heap sort:

Published by: Emma A Published at: 9 years ago Category: مردم و وبلاگ