NFS Payback In-Depth Guide - Parts Locations - Nissan Fairlady 240ZG Derelict Parts - NFS Payback


Today I cover the 1971 Nissan Fairlady 240ZG derelict in Need For Speed Payback. I show you the location on the map of all 5 parts, as well as give you a full in-depth guide showing you how to easily find the parts. I drive from locations like gas stations, the garage, and tune-up shops, right to the derelict part locations. I show you the jumps you need to hit, and where they are on the map. The derelict parts we find include the chassis, engine and drivetrain, body parts A, accessories, and wheels and tires. I hope this NFS Payback guide helps everyone find the parts for their Nissan derelict! At the end, I show you my Fairlady, which I build as a drift build. I quick showcase it as a scrap in the garage. If you still are having any issues finding the derelict parts, just comment! Thanks for watching. Have a great day! My XB1 GT: Stevio2175

Published by: STEVIO2175 Published at: 6 years ago Category: بازی