World's WEIRDEST Animals


The world is a massive place and to date, there are still so many incredible and amazing animals still waiting to be discovered. From amphibians to reptiles, mammals and sea animals, today we have a look at some of the word’s weirdest animals. Subscribe to Talltanic 10 - Blue Parrot fish… Considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, this is the beautiful blue parrot fish. No guesses as to why it’s called that, this royal blue fish was once only eaten by royalty only in Polynesia. There are some species of this intriguing fish that are able to secrete a mucus from their mouths at night time during sleep, which then envelopes the fish in a transparent cocoon. This is done to hide their scent from predators and also give them a heads up should an eel, for example, brush against that membrane, they have an opportunity to flee. 9 - Frilled Neck Lizard… Our next location is northern Australia and parts of southern New Guinea, where you might be lucky to spot a frilled neck lizard. This regal looking lizard has a frill around its neck and the moment the lizard feels threatened, he opens up that beautiful frill and makes himself look larger than life. He also uses it for courtship, so ladies, beware! 8 - The aye-aye… Native to Madagascar, this crazy looking primate is called an aye-aye. Besides being the world’s largest nocturnal primate, this fellow has a very unusual way of finding food. He taps on the tree to find buried insects. If there are bugs, he gnaws a hole in the wood and reaches them with his seriously long, thin fingers. Aye-Aye’s spend the majority of their time in trees, and love to eat seeds, fruits, nectar and fungi. 7 - Pyura Chilensis… People often joke about this insane animal that it’s the only time you’ll be able to get blood from a stone. That’s because this stone is actually an animal! It’s a sea creature that you’ll find off the coast of Chili and Peru but you wouldn’t guess that as it blends in perfectly with the rocks around it. However, should you accidentally stand on one of them, they will burst open exposing a mass of blood red meat considered a delicacy by many countries. Bizarre fact, these creatures are born male, change to female and are able to breed with themselves. 6 - Pacu Fish… The residents of Papua New Guinea have another name for this fish, and it’s not as delicate as Pacu Fish. They refer to it as “ball cutter:” They’re also related to the piranha, despite the teeth being completely different. They’re found in the rivers and lakes of South America and have also been introduced into the wild in places outside their natural home. Theodore Roosevelt even described these fish as “delicious eating.” 5 - Giant Isopod… These beasts are found in the deep waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans – anything between 550 to 7,020 feet deep and can be as huge as 14.2-inches! One was once caught in 2010 that was 2.5-feet long! They’re able to go for great lengths of time without food – so much so that in Japan didn’t eat for 5-years! They can bite, but it’s not that big a bite and there’s even a CD you can buy if love giant isopods. It’s called Songs About Giant Isopods! 4 - Bald uakari… Nope, they’re not highly embarrassed or about to explode – they’re naturally red, and the redder the better, as it’s also a sign of good health. This is the bald uakari and these monkeys are active, super intelligent and live in groups of around 100 monkeys. Found close to the Amazon river they love feasting on seeds, nuts, fruits, nectar and sometimes an unsuspecting caterpillar. They’re around the size of a cat and rarely venture lower than their canopy, unless pickings are really slim. 3 - The dugong… In the warm coastal waters of East Africa right through to Australia, you’ll find an interesting creature called a dugong. It is the only marine herbivorous mammal. They’re often called “Sea Cows” and enjoy grazing on seagrass meadows. They’re related to manatees and are able to stay underwater for 6 minutes before having to surface to catch a few more breaths. These guys have been hunted for years as they have a lot of meat and oil. They can live up till the age of 70 and due to their slow rate of reproduction they are rather vulnerable to extinction. 2 - Red-lipped batfish… This fish has perfected the art of applying red lipstick! Found near the Galápagos Islands, this red-lipped beauty is not a very good swimmer. They use their pectoral fins to walk across the ocean floor. They lure their prey in a similar fashion to an angler fish and eat small fish and small crustaceans like shrimps and mollusks. 1...

Published by: Talltanic Published at: 6 years ago Category: سرگرمی