JavaScript: Understanding the Weird Parts - The First 3.5 Hours


Get the full course here: This is an advanced Javascript course for everyone, giving a deep understanding of the language by understanding how it works under the hood. In the full course, you will enhance your abilities as a Javascript developer by delving into first class functions, callbacks, closures, IIFEs, prototypal inheritance, diving into the source code of jQuery, and building your own small framework/library. Links from the first 3.5 hours: Operator precedence: and equalitiy comparison: 0:00 Introduction and Course Standards 15:00 Syntax Parsers 19:00 Lexical Environment 21:00 Execution Context 22:00 Name Value Pairs and Objects 26:00 The Global Environment 36:51 Hoisting 46:33 Undefined 54:38 Code Execution 57:49 Single Threaded, Synchronous Execution 59:58 Function Invocation and The Execution Stack 1:08:00 Variable Environments 1:15:52 Scope Chain 1:33:17 Scope, es6, and let 1:37:35 Asynchronous Callbacks 1:48:00 Dynamic Typing 1:50:51 Primitive Types 1:56:09 Operators 2:02:42 Operator Precedence 2:04:00 Associativity 2:17:00 Coercion 2:23:09 Comparison Operators 2:42:53 Existence and Booleans 2:50:17 Default values 3:05:56 Objects and The Dot 3:20:42 Object Literals

Published by: Tony Alicea Published at: 9 years ago Category: علمی و تکنولوژی