Doug McGuff, MD on The Best Routine, Frequency of Training and Recovery for the Over-40s | HITuni


Subscribe Now: Learn More: Doug notes that his suggested routine (the Big Five +One) is so effective because you will be able to challenge and fatigue the main muscle groups of your body in a short amount of time. In terms of frequency, the best option is once per week. Watch the in-depth interview with Doug and read our commentary: Doug McGuff is the owner of Ultimate Exercise (since 1997), a personal training facility specializing in High Intensity Training, and co-author of the best-selling book "Body by Science". He is also an Emergency Physician based in South Carolina. Learn more about Doug at HITuni specializes in delivering online certification courses in High Intensity Training and Resistance Exercise. Learn more about HITuni at

Published by: HITuni - The High Intensity Training University Published at: 5 years ago Category: آموزشی