DJI Mavic Pro Heavy Cargo Lift / Release Test with Long Distance Shutdown


Here on the island of Palawan we are continuing to explore the possibilities of how to use the DJI Mavic Pro to help on with medical missions. In the past we had performed several medical supply or blood flights with success flying a 4 mile round trip. The problem is that on windy days or when carrying heavier loads the margin for error is extremely small, resulting in low battery. To fix this problem we fly the drone to the drop site, land, shutdown, and swap out batteries for a charged one up in the mountains. Returning to the lowlands where it was initially launched from with plenty of battery life remaining. Using the Drone Skyhook makes this mission a possibility. Many thanks to their help and support.

Published by: Michael Miller Published at: 5 years ago Category: غیر انتفایی