【如何泡发鱿鱼干? 】How to soak dried squids?


放在冰箱一段时间的鱿鱼干终于有“出路”了, 这次泡发还挺成功的,喜欢吃鱿鱼的不用在外买贵鱿鱼了, 还要担心市售的鱿鱼加了添加剂,自家泡发最安心了。 【处理】 1. 鱿鱼洗净,泡水2小时直到鱿鱼变软 2. 重新换水,注入的水必须淹没鱿鱼 3. 加入碱水(碱水和水的比例为 1:100) 4. 放入冰箱或是阴凉处浸泡8小时 5. 8小时后鱿鱼明显泡发,倒掉碱水再注入新水浸泡1-2小时 6. 重复换水2-3次,直到减少碱水味,还有水不再有滑滑的触感 ---版权所有,若复制请注明出处--- 喜欢影片记得按赞还有分享, 成为小厨神的首要步骤就是先订阅我的频道了 哈 联系邮箱:sherenewong91@gmail.com FB: She's Kitchen --------------------------------------------------- 1. Wash the dried squid and separate head and arm. 2. Soak in water around 2 hours until softness. 3. After 2 hours, pour off the dirty water and refill a clean water. 4. Add in Lye Water (1L of water : 10ml of lye water). 5. Put into refrigerator or shady place for soak at least 8 hours. 6. After 8 hours the squid was soaked obviously and it will become more bigger (If no you may continue soak 2 more hours) 7. Pour off the water and refill a clean water and continue soak 2 hours. 8. Repeat step 7 for 3 or 4 times, until the smell of lye was decreased, and feeling the water no more "grease" texture.

Published by: She's Kitchen Published at: 5 years ago Category: چگونه