How Sneaky Hideo Kojima Fans Saved Death Stranding


Death Stranding certainly is an experience. While reviews are mixed, the story behind the game - how earnest, kooky gaming legend Hideo Kojima broke free from Konami to found his own gaming studio - is a fascinating tale. We were particularly impressed with the challenges that Hideo Kojima faced in even getting Death Stranding funded in the first place. It turns out that, even with his years of work in the games industry, simply getting approved for a bank loan to finance the game was a big challenge. It's nice to know that some people will always be willing to break the rules - or at least bend them to their limits - to help give a games developer the help he needs to make a comeback. If that comeback involves Norman Reedus carrying a baby across a nightmarish hellscape, all the better. You can say what you like about Death Stranding, but at least it doesn't play things safe! Love you, BretonStripes ( and Kotor ( Source:

Published by: Video Game Story Time Published at: 4 years ago Category: بازی