Change Thread on Semi Rimless Glasses - Glasses Repair.


Tips to repair your glasses at Spruce up your glasses - add a colored thread. Visio-Rx offers a choice in colored threads (and extra clear threads) when purchasing semi rimless glasses. This video explains in detail how to change the thread in your semi rimless glasses. Quality fashion eyeglasses for a low price - at You will not be disappointed! Video text transcript You will need 1. Your frame 2. Nail clippers 3. Ruler 4. Spare thread 5. Piece of ribbon/plastic. Changing the thread is fairly simple. Grab your glasses and your piece of ribbon. There is a small space between the thread and the lens. Thread your ribbon through there. Pull the thread out of the groove on the lens. Carefully remove the lens from the frame. Using nail clippers, you will first remove the thread from the hole closest to the bridge. Gently tug the end loose. Pull the thread through the other hole to detach it from the frame. Repeat the same thing on the other side to remove the thread from the frame completely. Grab your new piece of thread. Weave the end through both holes. Use your thumb to hold a small piece at the end in place, then pull the thread tight. With your thumb, push the thread toward the edge, creating a ""fold"" in the thread. On the other side, weave the thread through both holes. Carefully remove the other lens, and measure the distance between the frame and the thread on that side. Give the side that you're working on the same amount of space to work with. Tighten or loosen the thread as needed. Push the lens back into the frame. Check to see if the thread can wrap around the lens. Remove the lens, and cut the excess thread off with your nail clippers. Make sure to leave a little piece at the end, this will help your thread stay put! Push the little ""tail"" flat between the lens and frame. Insert lens into rest of frame. Wrap thread around lens using the ribbon. You've successfully changed the thread! #A05

Published by: Visio-Rx Published at: 11 years ago Category: آموزشی