Utazás a női(es)ségem körül | Orsolya dr. Temesvári | TEDxLibertyBridgeWomen


Temesvári Orsit 2018 tavaszán elütötte egy autó. A balesetben eltörött a gerince, nyaktól lefelé lebénult, és azóta kerekesszékben él. Arra kényszerítette az élet, hogy újradefiniáljon maga körül mindent: az egészséget, az emberi kapcsolatokat, a céljait, a női(es)séget és a szexualitást. Blogot vezet, cikkeket ír, előadásokat tart. Beszédében bámulatos hittel és őszinteséggel formálja gondolatait a női(es)séggel kapcsolatban újrakeretezett mindennapos kérdésekről. Az előadás 2020. november 14-én hangzott el. | Orsi Temesvári survived an accident in April 2018, resulting in a spinal cord injury. She got paralyzed from the neck down and she uses a wheelchair now. She was forced to redefine her life from various perspectives, including health, human relationships, goals, femininity and sexuality. She keeps a blog, publishes articles and speaks at events to inspire others. In this talk, she shares her thoughts on these reframed everyday questions concerning femininity with an amazing faith and sincerity. This talk was given on November 14, 2020. Orsi Temesvári survived an accident in April 2018, resulting in a spinal cord injury. She got paralyzed from the neck down and she uses a wheelchair now. She was forced to redefine her life from various perspectives, including health, human relationships, goals, femininity and sexuality. She keeps a blog, publishes articles and speaks at events to inspire others. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

Published by: TEDx Talks Published at: 3 years ago Category: غیر انتفایی