

ぜひ作ってみてくださいね! ふんわりとろ〜り♪クリームわらび餅 4個分 材料: <ホイップクリーム> 生クリーム 100ml 砂糖 大さじ1/2 <わらび餅生地> 水 150ml 片栗粉 大さじ3 砂糖 大さじ2 黒蜜 適量 きな粉 適量 作り方 1. ボウルに生クリームと砂糖を入れ、硬めに泡立てる。 2.ラップを広げて(1)の1/4量をのせ、中央に黒蜜を入れて包む。同様に3個作り、冷凍庫で2時間ほど冷やし固める。 3. 鍋に水、片栗粉、砂糖を入れて中火にかけ、絶えず木べらでかき混ぜる。沸騰したら弱火にし、とろみがつくまでさらに3分ほど加熱して火を止め、粗熱を取る。 4. (3)の1/4量を、濡らした手で直径6cmくらいまで平らに伸ばし、(2)をのせて包む。同様に3個作り、きな粉をまぶしたら、完成! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (English Recipe) Cream Warabi Mochi Servings: 4 INGREDIENTS 100 milliliters heavy cream 2½ tablespoons sugar, divided 4 teaspoons brown sugar syrup 150 milliliters water 3 tablespoons cornstarch Roasted soybean flour, for sprinkling PREPARATION In a medium bowl, beat the heavy cream and ½ tablespoon of sugar with an electric hand mixer until soft peaks form. Dollop about ¼ of the whipped cream on a piece of plastic wrap and make a well in the center. Add 1 teaspoon of brown sugar syrup to the well. Cover the syrup with more whipped cream. Gather the plastic wrap around the cream and twist to seal. Repeat with the remaining whipped cream and brown sugar syrup. Freeze for 2 hours. In a small pan over medium heat, combine the water, cornstarch and remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar. Stir with a spatula. Once boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook for 3 more minutes, until thick and stretchy. Remove the pan from the heat and pour the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with plastic wrap. Take about ¼ of the cornstarch mixture and stretch into a flat round. Add a frozen whipped cream ball to the center and wrap in the dough to seal. Sprinkle with soybean flour. Repeat with the remaining ingredients. Enjoy!

Published by: Tasty Japan Published at: 5 years ago Category: چگونه