Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble - Video Press Kit - GYPSY JAZZ video - GSE

841 This is a promotional video used to explain Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble's concert and festival experiences. It also has photos, lists of venues and festivals, attendance numbers, presenter quotes about the band, and poster images from events. The performance is recorded live at The Midwest Gypsy Swing Fest in 2009. SEO Tags Gypsy Jazz Jazz Guitar Clarinet swing Gypsy Swing Caravan guitar Gypsy Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble Django Reinhardt Jazz Gypsy guitar Gypsy jazz Guitar selmer Stephane Grappelli Madison WI Django Gypsy Jazz Caravan GSE GSE Caravan Django Reinhardt Selmer Guitar Madison Gypsy Jazz Guitar Manouche Jazz Manouche Performing Arts Center Jazz Festival

Published by: CaravanGSE Published at: 12 years ago Category: موسیقی