Newton Method in MatLab


*Turn quality and picture size up on YouTube player for better view* Just a quick overview of the Newton Method in MatLab. NewtonRoot(Fun,FunDer,Xest,Err­,imax) Where Fun is your user defined function. FunDer is the user defined derivative of that function, Xest is the estimated value, Err is the wanted error, imax is the max iterations wanted. Example Problem: A cantilever I-beam is loaded with a distributed load, as shown. The deflection, y, of the center line of the beam as a function of the position, x, is given by the equation: y = w/(120*LEI)*(3L^3*x^2-7L^2+5L*x^4-x^5) where L=3 m is the length, E=70 GPa is the elastic modulus, I=52.9 * 10^-6 m^4 is the moment of inertia, and w=15 kN/m. Find the position x where the deflection of the beam is maximum, and determine the deflection at this point. (The maximum deflection is at the point where dy/dx=0 .) (a) Use the user-defined function NewtonRoot given in Program 3-2. Use 0.0001 for Err, and 1.8 for Xest. (b) Use the user-defined function SecantRoot given in Program 3-3. Use 0.0001 for Err, 1.5 for Xa and 2.5 for Xb. (c) Use MATLAB's built-in fzero function.

Published by: The Math Yeti Published at: 11 years ago Category: مردم و وبلاگ